a b o u t

e l l f i l m & p h o t o

My name is Elin (pronounced Ā-lin; rhymes with sailin’), and I shoot and produce photos and films.


I’m fueled by hearing people’s stories, which is part of why I love photography and film. I find I’m always learning from clients about their passions, and I enjoy the process of translating their personalities, strengths, and relationships through images. I aim to create a platform where people can tell their stories, while reflecting beauty in a narrative that the subject failed to see.

I grew up in a family of classical musicians, and I value the slow, arduous process that is inherent to artistic expression. As a child, I was constantly taking pictures and audio recordings, and I developed a profound love of documentary films. I recently obtained my Ph.D. in clinical psychology, which I pursued because of my relentless fascination with the human mind.

I’ve gradually developed a point of view in my work, which focuses on story, light, and simplicity. My goal is to draw out intimacy in an honest, riveting way, so that people you’ve never met could lose themselves in absorbing a photo or video and say, “I know these people.”

My mission is to dedicate my time to creating rich, complex stories through photo and film that I see as an artistic expedition, rather than just reporting or recording.

Elin has been taking photos and creating films for years, but she jumped into creating her own business in 2018, geared toward an interest of doing more small-business videos, wedding photography, and family portraits. She also currently works as an associate producer on an audio documentary series and is working on a feature-length film.

ell film & photo welcomes and is inclusive of clients of all backgrounds, races, religions, genders, and sexual orientations.
